JUNE 26, 2012
Vice Chairman Michael Bulgaris opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance to our flag. In attendance were Selectmen Bulgaris, Mountain and Walker. Selectmen Story and Bear were absent.
Planner Martha Taylor spoke briefly on the Yellow School. She noted they are ready to move forward with the lot line change and need a Form A signed by the Selectmen. She asked that Chairman Story be authorized to sign on behalf of the Town. Selectman Walker asked about the timing of this needed form and the easement with the neighbor. Taylor advised they had not yet heard from Selectman Bear regarding the easement and it was shown on the plan as proposed. Selectman Walker moved to table this matter until the July 10th meeting so that Selectman Bear could give input on the easement and there would be a full board, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
Kathleen Pearson, Chair of the Planning Board, spoke on the special permit granting authority for the Master Table. Recommendations from Planning will come to the Selectmen, but she suggested they might want to plan a joint meeting for discussion purposes. The deadline for a joint meeting would be prior to their July 18th meeting. It was agreed that Planning and Selectmen would meet jointly to discuss “granting authority” for the Master Table at or prior to the July 10th Selectmen’s meeting.
Mark Alford, Christine Howe (9Annapolis Way West) and Steve Jewett (1 O’Connor’s Ct.) spoke on a complaint they filed in May regarding the Beachcoma Restaurant. They cited noise, loitering, lights, and hours of operation as problems. Jewett noted that some issues had already been corrected or worked out with Mr. Pugh, owner of the Beachcoma. Pugh noted there were things he could easily correct but some, like loitering patrons, he had no control over. Sam Joslin advised he had taken the Alford/Howe letter, addressed the issues piece by piece, and he believed an amicable agreement is in the works. Selectman Mountain asked if it might be time to consider adopting a no-loitering bylaw but Selectman Walker countered that
Newbury doesn’t always appear business-friendly and hoped the parties could work together towards an amicable solution. Police Chief Reilly suggested giving the parties thirty days to continue working on the problems, and if not resolved, he would meet with both sides in a closed door meeting to hammer out a fair solution.
The Quinlan/Reynolds parking ticket complaint was acknowledged. Chief Reilly advised a parking ticket was issued to a resident on the busy Memorial Day weekend in the Town’s lot at the beach. The ticket was rescinded when it was discovered the residents were in possession of a “2012 parking sticker”. The sticker was affixed to the rear passenger’s window, not on the windshield as instructed by the Clerk’s Office upon sale of the sticker. Chief Reilly noted his officers are instructed to scan the windshield area for this sticker and are not required to scan the entire car. While he did rescind the parking fine there is nothing his department can do about the towing charges. Quinlan/Reynolds were not present to speak on their behalf. The Board supported the decision of the Police Department.
The Board acknowledged the receipt of a letter from Byfield Water District regarding repairs to a Church Street water main. No action is planned at this time. The Selectmen still had some questions on why the repairs were scheduled and cancelled and the condition of the main in question. It was moved by Selectman Mountain to invite Paul Colby and/or Doug Janvrin Sr. to attend a Selectmen’s meeting to address these issues prior to moving forward with the paving of Church Street, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
The minutes of the June 12th meeting were accepted as presented on a motion by Selectman Mountain, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
Acceptance of the Tri-Town Meeting minutes was tabled to the July 10th meeting for a vote by the full Board, as moved by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
The appointment list was read and accepted on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Mountain. Walker briefly discussed the new appointment of Ed Deardon to the Conservation Commission. The appointments were voted unanimously except for the Recreation Committee appointments from which Walker abstained from the vote as a family member was on the list and the Media Committee from which Mountain abstained as he is a member. The Rec. Committee was voted by Mountain and Bulgaris. The Media Committee was voted by Walker and Bulgaris. The list is as follows:
Assistant Town Clerk – Susan Noyes
Board of Registrars – Edward Carpenter
B2B Trail Committee – Christine Wilkinson, John VanSchalkwyk, Martha Taylor, Tim Leonard, Steve Fram
Byfield Community Arts Center – Heidi Fram, Linda Allen
Capital Planning Committee – Frank Visconti, Tracy Blais
Fr. Sears Memorial Park Advisory Committee – John Bursaw, Barbara Murray, Elizabeth Szymanski, Lorraine Connelly
Media Committee – Alicia Greco, David Mountain, Mario Carnovale, Paul Daubitz, Richard Hendrickson
Conservation Commission – Dan Streeter, Ed Deardon, John O’Connell (Planning Bd. Rep. to CC)
Newbury Council on Aging Bd. of Directors – Marie Joe, Eugene Smith, LuAnn Kuder, Geri Dorr, Jean Doyle, Richard Joy, Joseph Lojek, Russell Peirce, Evelyn Noyes
Finance Committee – Erica Jacobsen, Eugene Case, Frank Remley, Frank Wetenkamp, Marshall Jespersen
Historical Commission – Nancy Thurlow, William Towne
Merrimack Valley Planning Commission – Martha Taylor (Alternate Commissioner)
Open Space Committer –Dan Streeter, David Powell, Martha Taylor, Matt Kozazcki, Michael Carbone
Insurance Advisory Committee – John Wilkinson
Personnel Board – John Lucey, Mark Gleckman
Recreation Committee – Dave Taylor, Diane Manter, Nate Walker, Rebecca Takesian, Rich Capolupo, Warren Manter, William Wendt
Zoning Board of Appeals – Howard Traister
A new license for Judith P. Norton d/b/a Judith @ 11 High Road was discussed. The issue of parking and hours of operation were raised. The license was tabled to allow time to speak with Sam Joslin and Ms. Norton, on a motion by Selectman Mountain, seconded by Selectman Walker and voted unanimously.
A letter from Abigail Woodbury of Brookline was acknowledged regarding the possibility of a summer school program being established at the Yellow School. The Board will investigate her proposal.
Warrants were signed for the Town Administrator.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. on a motion by Selectman Walker, seconded by Selectman Mountain and voted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Sirois, Admin Asst.